Good for everyone

The T-Pool is a system created by ship owners for ship owners. There are no middlemen or middle fees. It is a simple system with the sole purpose of offering the best prices for owners but also a collection of the best owners for the vendors to work with. There are absolutely no charges for vendors that participate in this platform. There is only one agreement between each vendor and the T-Pool that stipulates all terms, conditions, discounts and rebate schedules and all members abide by that.
The benefits are reciprocal: While owners enjoy fixed prices, discounts and rebates, the vendors enjoy a well-laid-out annual plan of projected income and secure revenues. It is the very essence of the T-Pool that promotes expenditure from within the T-Pool vendor agreements to further increase the benefits to owners while increasing revenues to the vendors.
Shipping Categories
Years of experience


1) To purchase genuine spare parts from makers’ approved vendors
2) To purchase technical stores from reputed and approved vendors worldwide with maximum port coverage
3) To allow Members’ preferred Vendors to enter the T-pool to increase annual expenditure and subsequent returns to owners
4) To agree and procure best services agreements with leading providers minimizing technical downtime
5) To enhance the quarterly store supply system established for routine stores in key ports
6) To ensure the minimum list of machinery spares is maintained as per the Critical Spare Parts Policy
7) To quantify savings and provide an enhanced tool for vessel financial projections through Spent Analysis
8) To provide zero disruption to member’s procurement process but maximum benefits